You have questions about STREAMALYZR? Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is still not answered please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Is the data representative of my listenership?
Yes, the data is representative of your station’s listeners via stream. It even represents the ‘complete sample’ of all your listeners via stream.
Whether it is also representative of your station’s terrestrial listenership is not verifiable as the logfile data is not personalized, mainly for privacy reasons.
However the online use of radio is growing and with the increasing distribution of Amazon Alexa & Co the streaming of radio programs will become standard.
Do I have to install a software?
No, STREAMALYZR is a password protected web application. You don’t have to make the effort to install a software on your desktop.
Can I use STREAMALYZR with my tablet?
Yes, as a web application it is designed for this kind of use.
Can I use STREAMALYZR on the way?
Yes, as a web application it is designed for e.g. being accessed on your tablet on a business trip.
How many users can use one license?
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Is there a discount when I purchase several licenses for my station network?
Yes, those who already have a station’s license can purchase more licenses with a discount.
How long does it take to get started on STREAMALYZR?
As soon as your logfiles are being delivered on a daily basis it takes us about 1 to 2 weeks to initialize your individual STREAMALYZR setting. After that you can begin with the analysis of your streaming data.
How can I work best with STREAMALYZR?
We are by your side right from the start and provide you with numerous tips on how to use STREAMALYZR in an optimal way.
When you have already completed the first two phases (monitoring and first activation) you can start with the strategic programming.
If you have further questions or need more support, please contact our partners Brand Support or BCI.
Can I see the performance of our major promotion?
Yes, definitely, this is exactly why we have developed STREAMALYZR.
E.g. you can find out about the effects of your recent major promotion on the ratings and the TSL and a lot more.
Isn't it a huge amount of data, do I have to work with it on a daily basis?
During a monitoring phase of 3 to 6 months you will evolve an excellent feeling for your listeners and their reactions on your programming – even if you only use STREAMALYZR occasionally.
After that you will not want to work without STREAMALYZR anymore, as it is the indicator for a most direct listener feedback. Now it’s up to you whether you use it on a daily or e.g. weekly but intensive basis.
Are there any privacy issues when using STREAMALYZR?
No. The logfiles are anonymized by you before the transmission and are therefore protected.
Can I also see the streaming results of my competitors?
With STREAMALYZR you can analyze the programs of your competitors by audio recordings and on the basis of clocks with song positions.
You cannot see the streaming data of your competitors though, as you wouldn’t want them to see your streaming data either.
Can my competitors see my streaming data?
No, your competitors don’t have access to your streaming data. Your data is always protected.
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